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Handgun Safety Tips
I've always preferred the five "Cooper" rules of handgun safety. Read More
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California Firearms Training

All of our instructors are NRA-certified.

Attorney by day...firearms instructor by...well, whenever she can find the time! An NRA Certified Instructor since 2014, Patricia also competes in IDPA and GSSF matches (again, when she can find the time). Patricia also earned a "Distinguished Graduate" from Front Sight's Defensive Handgun course in 2015, with a perfect score. Her ultimate goal is to be the first female Handgun Combat Master....quite the goal if you've ever seen how fast those targets turn!
Mark's firearms journey began when he was a member of the Boy Scouts, and continued when Patricia decided she was going to get involved. An NRA Certified Instructor since 2015, Mark is also a Distinguished Graduate from Front Sight's Defensive Handgun course (yes, 2015, a couple of months before Patricia).
I've been shooting with Patti since 2013, she is a great instructor and will teach you what you need to know to be safe and have fun! Read More
I've always preferred the five "Cooper" rules of handgun safety. Read More
California Firearms Training
All of our instructors are NRA-certified.